Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nothing is Everything

As I've said a lot on my blog, things have been very very busy for us lately. It has been a long time since we have had a day where NOTHING is written on the calendar. Well, today, we were blessed with a day like that and it was wonderful! The kids and I played, got McDonald's and brought it back home where we had a picnic with it in the living room while watching a movie, played some more, had popcorn and just enjoyed being home together. Sean is in year-round school and he is tracked out for the rest of the month.

It was so nice to be at home, relaxing with the kids, and having absolutley nothing that HAD to be done. Nothing really is everything!! :)

Family Fun Day

It has been so long since my last post. Life has been a whirlwind of craziness and I haven't had much time to call my own as of late. :) Anyway, last Saturday Sean's school held a family fun day fundraiser on Saturday and so we all went to have some family fun. They had a lot of great things for the kids to do: games, rides, bounce houses, rides on the fire truck...and a raffle. Just for fun we entered the Tae- Kwan-Do raffle which was for a free two month class and we won! So Sean will be entering Tae-Kwan-Do very soon! :)

Since I'm a room mom I felt obligated to help with the fun day so I ran a game for an hour and baked a cake for the cake walk. :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Patch

We have been soooo busy lately that we haven't had a Saturday together as a family in over a month. So yesterday we decided, come what may, that we were going to have some family fun! :) We loved going to the apple orchard in Illinois and went often and after much searching we finally found a pumpkin patch here. It was awesome! They had train rides, gem mining, bounce houses, pony rides, a 60 foot slide (no joke), a fort, a hayride to the pumpkin field, get the idea. We ended up staying four hours and would have stayed longer if we could have. The best part (other than being together as a family) was the weather. It amazes me that in November it can still be in the mid-70's. I love that! We can enjoy the beautiful colors of fall and have none of the cold weather!

Here is the only picture we have for now. The camera battery died early on the trip so I bought a disposable one at the pumpkin farm. Will scan some of those in when I get them developed. :)