Friday, February 29, 2008

Eric's New Car

One of the reasons I've been so busy and crazy (besides moving) has been because Eric and I have been sharing a car. His last few cars have been beaters and when the last one died, we decided no more. The next car was going to be nice and new or almost new. So, yesterday, we went and bought this barely used 2005 fully loaded Honda Accord with 30,000 miles on it. It is awesome! It drives like a dream and is loaded with every feature possible. Leather seats and interior, moonroof, 6 cd changer, etc. I can't tell you how happy it made me that Eric finally had a nice car. During our whole life together he has always put his family first. He's worked two jobs at times, or long long hours at one job, and he's always made sure that I've had the nicer car. It gave me indescribable joy to see him finally get something nice after all he's given to us.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A few pics of the house....

I promised to send some more pictures of the house, and thought I would put them on here instead. There aren't many, but here are a few more of the kitchen and the dining room which is right behind it. We have made the dining room our playroom. Keep checking, more pictures will come. Especially when I can finish getting the house in order.

Waiting the week away...

Have you ever had to wait for a maintenance or installation person that never came? This is how I've spent my week. Our washing machine isn't working and the repair guy was going to come on Thursday. Never came. Then he said he was coming on Friday. Never came. Then he said he was coming yesterday and I even talked to him on the phone twice...but did he come? I think not! Meanwhile, the kids and I are stuck at home and the laundry pile is beginning to resemble Mount Everest. And, the same story with the Dish person. I was given a five hour time window of when to expect them and it came and went with no appearance of such person. And the crazy part is, I have to keep waiting! We need the washer fixed and the TV hooked up, so until those things happen, I shall be here, waiting and wondering....where did my week go? :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

We made it!!!

We're here....finally! We arrived last Sunday night after taking three days to drive down. We decided after the first day that 6 hours was the most we could handle having the kids in the car each day. :) The movers arrived Monday and then the house turned from this....

To this! A great big moving mess! As you can see, the transition is still in progress and we are trying to turn our mess into a habitable home. Things have been going a little rougher than expected. Getting the phone, high speed, and TV hooked up has been quite a challenge. In fact, today is the first day that we have things up and running. But, let me tell you, it has been well worth the wait. I am loving this high speed thing and I can't imagine how we survived in the stone age so long. We are also adjusting to the new house. We love having a play room and a fourth bedroom. It's amazing how fast we are filling them both up. :)
The kids are melting so that's all for this time. But keep checking in, there will be more to come.