Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back from Girl's Camp and off....again

Girls camp was awesome! I loved the chance I had to spend so much time with all the girls and get to know them even better. We were able to do lots of fun things at camp this year: swimming, kayaking, jumping off the inflatable blob into the lake, a high ropes course, archery, and even shooting air rifles. There was also a mini-golf course and sand volleyball. The days were full of fun and the nights were full of giggles and talking. It was a special treat to just get away and be a girl with the girls.

Despite the fact that this video totally embarasses me, I am posting it. :) One of my girls took it of me shooting archery for the first time. :) I love it though because the girls personalities show through in the tape (they are so super cool) and you can hear all their zany comments. Anyway, here is just a little taste of the fun that was to be had at girls camp....

Now that camp is over, it's off to Florida in the morning to see my Dad and enjoy some time at the beach. The kids can't wait to see Grandpa and neither can I. :) Sean's teacher told me today that he talked about it during the whole class. Avery keeps saying "See Grandpa" so I know she's excited too.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Vacation to Myrtle Beach

Hey everyone! We had a wonderful long weekend at Myrtle Beach! It was our first time ever going there and it was a blast. The weather was perfect, the ocean was warm and there were a ton of things to do. Here are some of the things we did:

Played at the Beach

Went to the Aquarium (which was totally amazing)!!!!

Went to the Family Amusement Park and rode a ton of rides

And our brave Sean went in a plastic bubble on the lake! As you can see, we had a ton of fun and made a lot of special memories. Thank you Myrtle Beach for showing us such a great time! Woo-hoo!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

R.E.M. comes to town

For Eric's birthday, I bought him concert tickets to see R.E.M. He loves loves loves them and always has at least one of their CD's in his car at all times. :) The concert was last night and despite temperature being over 100 degrees and the amphitheater being outside, it was an awesome event! The concert was totally sold out; I can't remember the last time I saw so many people in one place! :) The band put on an awesome show and it was utterly priceless to see the HUGE grin on Eric's face as he watched them perform.

This week has been so very busy with two really late nights in a row, but the things we've done have been worth it all. The rest of the week is booked solid too and then we leave on vacation. And right when we get back, it's off to girls camp for me. :) I'm going to need a solid week of sleep in July!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Mudcats meet the Mudcats!!!!

Last night was so amazing! Our little mudcats went to meet the REAL mudcats! Thanks to our amazing coach who set it all up, we took our team to watch the Carolina Mudcats(who our team is named after)! They sat behind the team before the game and then they were invited to run out onto the field with the starting line-up. Our mudcats stayed (hats over hearts)on the field for the national anthem, shoulder to shoulder with the REAL mudcats! It was amazing and it is something that I will never forget! I video-taped the whole thing and took some camera video and pics as well. And, as if that weren't enough, Sean got a baseball from the players and the shirt right off one of their backs! Sean loves the Mudcats so much he wanted to stay and watch the whole game and you know what, he did! He cheered and clapped with the best of them! We got home after midnight and he was still bright-eyed with excitment from all the fun he'd had! Thank you Carolina Mudcats for such a special and unforgettable night! Woo-hoo!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Vroom Vroom

I'm a Ferrari 360 Modena!

You've got it all. Power, passion, precision, and style. You're sensuous, exotic, and temperamental. Sure, you're expensive and high-maintenance, but you're worth it.

"Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Darcy had this on her blog and it looked fun so I took the quiz. Ferrari! Wouldn't you know? Well, my Mom's always said that I have expensive taste. :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First Book Club Meeting!!!

Last night, the girls and I had our first book club meeting! It was great! We talked about what books we wanted to read and then made a schedule through the end of the year. I am having the girls take turns doing different things (conducting, treats, phone call reminders, etc...) to help them learn leadership skills. They seem excited by it. Afterall, this is their club and I'm just here to help and of course, read lots of good books! :) I had a lot of fun and look forward to even more to come. One of the things we have planned, is to go to Barnes and Noble the night the next Twilight book comes out(Breaking Dawn) for the party and of course, to get our copy of the new book! I can't wait!

I read the first Twilight book and couldn't put it down! I ended up staying up really late/early to finish it. And then, I rushed out to get the next one, New Moon. If you haven't read them yet, I HIGHLY recommend them. I haven't loved a series this much since Harry Potter. They are awesome! Stephanie Meyers writes so well that you feel as if you are present, watching everything unfold before your very eyes! Love them! This afternoon I will be buying Eclipse, the last one (for now) of the series. I can hardly wait to get started reading it!