Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So, it's been awhile.....

Okay, so our computer is broken and until we get it fixed I won't have much chance to blog. I also can't get off all of the cool pictures from our Holiday adventures. So hang in there and hopefully within the next week, you will see pictures and blog entries coming your way! :) I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a great New Year's Eve tonight!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

...and the Mamba's win the Tournament!!!!

This week we had our leauge volleyball tournament and our team, the Mambas, was undefeated! That's right, we took the tournament title! Yes! It was a blast playing on a leauge and I had the most wonderful people on my team. The Y is an amazing place to play and when life settles down a little, I will play again!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Families are Forever

This weekend, Eric's Dad passed away. He had been diagnosed with cancer earlier in the year and unfortunately all the treatments were unsuccessful. Although this is a really tough time for the family, we feel so very grateful for so much. We were blessed to be able to take the trip to California in September so that the kids could meet their Grandma and Grandpa Williamson for the very first time. They had some special moments with Grandpa Bob even though he was very sick and we are so grateful for those moments and the memories we have of them now.

I feel so much gratitude today for the blessing of eternal families and the knowledge that I have that this is only a temperary seperation and that when this life is done we will be together with all those we love, never to part again.


I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving has come and gone! Where is the time going? This year, I hosted Thanksgivng dinner and my parents joined us. It was fun and I really enjoyed cooking and thankfully, everything turned out great! Phew! :) It was so great for the kids to share the day with Grammy and Grandpa. This was our first Thanksgiving all together!


On opening day, I took our young women to see Twilight! It was so much fun to be there and share the experience with the girls. There was a lot of screaming and laughing and fun was had by all! I have to say, the girls liked the movie a lot more than I did. I just didn't think it was enough like the books, the characters were a little too stoic for me. That being said, I'm sure I'll be lined up again to watch the next one when it comes out. :)

I'll be posting pics as soon as I figure out how to get them off my phone! :)