Friday, January 23, 2009

Superwoman....we all know at least one

Do you ever have those people around you that constatly amaze you? They are literal Superwomen who manage to do it all and make it look easy. They might as well have a constume complete with cape because everyone can see that they are heroic. :)

Things are a little crazy in our family right now. Eric is having some medical issues (more on those later) and I find myself unable to juggle all the balls that have been placed in my hands. Yet, when I see this Superwoman, I see her deal with the exact same things (medical issues and all) and still be everyhing I'm not right now....organized, patient, on task, etc...

I don't know how she does it, I only know she does. I celebrate her, I admire her and....I want to know how she does it!!!!!


Kaylynn said...

I'm sure from an outside perspective, you are looking like a superwoman!

Tricia said...

Oh sure, this is coming from the first superwoman I ever knew! :) How you do all you do and still love your kids with near perfect patience still amazes me.

Kaylynn said...

You show lots of love and patients for your kids, and your kids take more patience! (Well Seany, but don't let him know I said that.)

Cindi said...


I am so sorry to hear Eric is having medical problems. I hope that he gets feeling better soon! God gave us Women broad strong shoulders so we can handle things- sometimes a lot of things!!! :) Hang in there- I hope it gets better for your family soon! I am sure that you are doing the best job you can with juggling everything right now!

Damon B said...

Tell Eric to quit faking it! And Tricia, you aren't Superwoman? You always told me you were! What happened?

Kaylynn said...

I think that Trisha is WonderWoman, not Superwoman!

Shanna Blythe said...

So what's going on? Sorry to hear that you guys are having difficulties.