Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Waiting the week away...

Have you ever had to wait for a maintenance or installation person that never came? This is how I've spent my week. Our washing machine isn't working and the repair guy was going to come on Thursday. Never came. Then he said he was coming on Friday. Never came. Then he said he was coming yesterday and I even talked to him on the phone twice...but did he come? I think not! Meanwhile, the kids and I are stuck at home and the laundry pile is beginning to resemble Mount Everest. And, the same story with the Dish person. I was given a five hour time window of when to expect them and it came and went with no appearance of such person. And the crazy part is, I have to keep waiting! We need the washer fixed and the TV hooked up, so until those things happen, I shall be here, waiting and wondering....where did my week go? :)

1 comment:

Kaylynn said...

Waiting is problably the hardest thing. It's not like we can do anything to make the time go by faster. I am sure that unpacking get slow.