Monday, May 19, 2008


Ever since we've moved here, I've been playing volleyball every week with the women from church. It has been so great! We have a lot of fun and laugh, sometimes until we are rolling on the floor (literally). :) There are times when someone will take a spike to the face or gut and we all just collapse from laughing so hard. I always come home feeling energized and renewed. I love it! And because I love it so much, I am also coaching our girls for their team. It makes life a little more crazy busy, but it's so worth it to spend that time with them and do something that I love.

Right now, life is wonderful and rich, but it is very busy. Being in young women's requires a ton of time. Mutual, Sunday lessons, coaching volleyball and going to the games, service projects, preparing for and going to camp, etc. Then, there's family life; Eric's job is still requiring a lot of overtime and he is working late almost every night, Sean is in t-ball and has a few games a week, then there is trying to catch up the kids on their Dr's appointments and get Sean all set to start school in July! (They are on year-round school here). I know that all of us are busy, so please don't think I'm saying it's just me. I know that every one's life is crazy! :) That's part of being in the church, isn't it? :) For those of you who keep trying to reach me, hang in there. Things will get better in a few months. Sean will be in school, I'll be done coaching volleyball, t-ball will have ended, etc.


~Darcy~ said...

I am glad you blogged again, I was starting to wonder about you! You are right everyone is busy and we will only get busier as our kids get older and into more activities. Mommies social life becomes hard to come by these days!! Have a great rest of the week!

Kaylynn said...

I'm glad that you are busy! Life would be so boring if we weren't busy!