Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Back from Florida

Only at Disney do they give your kids chalk to write with while they are waiting in line. I love this place!

My Dad had bought a really neat kite shaped like an airplane and it was waiting for Sean when we arrived. Sean and Grandpa wnet many times to fly the kite out on the beach.

This is what it looks like from the sky.

We just returned last night from our trip to Florida where we went to spend some time with Dad/Grandpa. My Dad is currently doing some consulting work there and has a condo so we were able to stay with him. It was so beautiful there and we were very close to the ocean. We went often to the ocean to play and pick seashells and enjoy the peaceful quiet. And, as an extra special thing we went to Disneyworld while we were there. You can't go to Florida and not go to Disneyworld. :) It just wouldn't be right. It was so much fun to take the kids and see there reactions to everything.

Avery LOVES two characters right now: Buzz Lightyear and Princess Belle! It was so amazing to watch her as she met both of her heroes live and in person. I will never forget it! Sean's favorite part of Disney were the "awesome" rides. :) His two favorites were Splash Mountain and Space Mountain. They were my favorites too. Along with Pirates of the Carribean, Small World, Peter Pan...you get the idea. I loved them all!

Thanks so much to my great parents for a wonderful trip that we will never forget! :)

By the way, if you're wondering about the song choice for this blog, we have a family tradition that whenever we are driving to Florida we have to play Cat Stevens and this is one of my favorite songs that he did. For me, it brings back special memories of my childhood. :)

1 comment:

Kaylynn said...

What What fun! I'm glad you got to take your kids to Disney World. A dream come true!
